Business consulting and coaching

What we offer

Are you looking for someone who accompanies transformations, develops teams, shapes organisational culture , or coaches!? Then we have what you need

In the Service section you can find out more about our range of services and how we can partner with you successfully and sustainably through the transformation.
Business consulting and coaching
Stress-free transformation through clarity and TrueSelf™
Are you looking for someone who supports transformations, develops teams, shapes organisational culture, or coaches!? Then we have what you need! Tell us what you need, and we will discuss how we can best support you.

Business consulting and coaching

Recent topics

Our customers engage with the following topics. To turn challenges into chances you should keep an eye on the following global trends

In the Topics section you can explore further trends that are high priorities in many companies.

We all know that work will never be the same again.

Our first thought was to write a post to share with you what we are currently working on. This thought of a post evolved to “let’s make a video” - which we now proudly present! If you have similar questions and need help to change or transform - let’s get in touch .

Business consulting and coaching

Satisfied customers

We stand for diversity, breadth and experience and have customers worldwide who are very satisfied with our cooperation.

Portrait Dieter Sonnenstuhl, Betriebsratsvorsitzender, Penzberg

Forster&Klevenz erstellte uns ein passgenaue Workshop Design und so konnten wir, durch sie moderiert, grundlegende Entscheidungen im Hinblick auf Vision, Zusammenarbeit, sowie Strukturen und Prozesse effektiv und reibungslos treffen. Die langjährige eigene Erfahrung von Forster&Klevenz in der Zusammenarbeit mit Betriebsräten machte den entscheidenden Unterschied für ein offenes und vertrauensvolles Miteinander. Wir sind bestens für die neue Amtszeit aufgestellt! Der Workshop war Gold wert!

Dieter Sonnenstuhl, Betriebsratsvorsitzender, Penzberg

Portrait Sydnie Lau, Project Coordinator, Los Altos, CA, USA

Sibylle was able to quickly assess and understand where I was in my leadership journey. She was able to quickly identify useful skills I could improve on and challenged me to step outside of my comfort zone in each session. Her authentic approach to coaching made me feel safe to share my unfiltered thoughts right from our first session.

Sydnie Lau, Project Coordinator, Los Altos, CA, USA

Portrait Wee Cheng Lim, Regional Portfolio Manager, Kuala Lumpur

Sibylle helped me to gain clarity and to identify my values and drivers. In our coaching she enabled me to become aware about beliefs and fears I developed and with that I was able to unleash my full potential at work. She has a talent to ask the right questions to bring you in reflection.

Wee Cheng Lim, Regional Portfolio Manager, Kuala Lumpur

Portrait Christiane Laux, HR Business Partner, Mannheim

Rebekka moderierte Workshops im Rahmen eines Projekts zwischen Arbeitnehmer und Arbeitgeber. Durch das Schärfen der Fragestellung, dem gezielten Nachfragen und den kreativen Workshop-Methoden konnten wir zunehmend in die Klarheit kommen und so bewusst bessere Entscheidungen treffen. Rebekka ging von der Auftragsklärung bis hin zur Umsetzung des Workshops flexibel auf unsere Bedürfnisse ein.

Christiane Laux, HR Business Partner, Mannheim

Portrait Brenda Chung, Medical Affairs Leader, Taipei

Sibylle inspired me with her authenticity and encouraged me to step up as an enabler for the transformation.

Brenda Chung, Medical Affairs Leader, Taipei

Portrait Susanne Schlögl, Bereichsleiter Versicherung, München

Mit ihrer empathischen und wertschätzenden Art schaffte Rebekka von Anfang an eine Atmosphäre der Offenheit und des Vertrauens und unterstützte mich mit kreativen Coaching-Techniken in meine neue Senior Führungsrolle zu wachsen.

Susanne Schlögl, Bereichsleiter Versicherung, München

Portrait Katja Möschberger, Stationsleiterin Inselspital, Bern

Rebekka motivierte mich mit ihrer positiven Energie und den richtigen Fragen, limitierende Glaubenssätze zu identifizieren und neue Perspektiven auf meine aktuelle Situation einzunehmen. Dadurch entschied ich mich bewusst für eine berufliche Neuorientierung und übernahm erfolgreich eine Führungsrolle.

Katja Möschberger, Stationsleiterin Inselspital, Bern

Introducing our new Blog Series

Stay Informed and Transform Your Business! Unlock Your Company’s Full Potential! 🚀 Explore the Latest Insights.

Vision & Concept Work
Success factors & Implementation
Retrospective & Review
Business consulting and coaching

Our consulting approach

This is how our consulting approach works. A clear and pragmatic process.

Four steps to success! Together we analyze the current situation, design the appropriate approach, and implement. We consistently measure success against defined criteria so that we can adjust whenever necessary. You know your company best, and we believe in involving it i you, leaders , employees or human resources as needed in the consulting process. Direct involvement strengthens acceptance during implementation and generates advocates.