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Skills Shortage

The search for skilled professionals is becoming increasingly challenging. The solution? A radical rethink in terms of work culture, recruiting, and employee retention. Discover new ways of working.

The corporate landscape is changing, and the skills shortage is increasingly noticeable. Companies need to develop and implement flexible and quick recruiting methods to meet the demand for qualified professionals. The traditional way companies recruit and retain their employees no longer works. It’s time to explore the ‘New Ways of Working’.

The key to addressing the skills shortage lies not only in new recruiting methods but also in employee retention. Retaining skilled professionals is an essential component of sustainable recruiting. Companies are seeking ways to enhance their employees’ engagement and satisfaction. This could be achieved, for example, through improved communication, recognition, rewards, and better work-life blending.

It is important, that each company decides with which working environment they want to experiment.
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Change management is the key here. It assists businesses in successfully implementing these necessary changes and creating a culture that aligns with the new work methodologies.

Work conditions play a decisive role. The introduction of models like the four-day work week, greater flexibility and internationality, as well as promoting work-life blending, can help attract and retain skilled professionals. The motto is no longer “live to work”, but “work to live”.

These ‘New Ways of Working’ are not only a tool against the skills shortage but can also contribute to a positive change in company culture. Companies that embark on these new paths become attractive employers for employees and applicants.

Change management is the key here. It assists businesses in successfully implementing these necessary changes and creating a culture that aligns with the new work methodologies.

To be successful, companies must be brave enough to forge new paths. They need to be ready to shift their focus from traditional work methods and integrate the ‘New Ways of Working’. Because only in this way can the skills shortage be effectively combated. It’s time for a revolution in recruiting and change management . It’s time for the ‘New Ways of Working’.

Addressing the Skills Shortage Effectively Through Change Management

Innovatively tackle the skills shortage with Forster & Klevenz. Our Change Management revolutionizes your recruiting and increases employee retention through new work cultures.