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Cultural Web by Johnson and Scholes - Effectively Trans­forming Company Culture

View your organization’s culture from a fresh angle and pinpoint opportunities for enhancements and changes. With Johnson and Scholes’ Cultural Web, you can delve deep into understanding and successfully shaping your company culture.

Organizational development is a journey. Just like any journey, it demands meticulous planning, a grasp of the present environment, and a clear vision of the destination. This is where Johnson and Scholes’ Cultural Web comes into play.

The Cultural Web offers a comprehensive insight into the intricacies of your company culture. It assists you in better understanding the structures, processes, and values that mold your culture and in spotting potential challenges.

The components of the Cultural Web - stories, symbols, power structures, organizational setups, control systems, and rituals - are the core of your company culture. They are the building blocks influencing how your organization operates and how it’s perceived.

A pivotal aspect is the tales told within your organization. These stories represent your organization’s collective memory, shedding light on the values and behaviors your company holds dear.

Company culture is crucial. We’re here to help you place it front and center in your development.

The rituals and routines within your organization are another crucial element. They shape daily expectations and behavioral norms, defining what’s acceptable and what isn’t.

Applying the Cultural Web in organizational development can be a valuable tool to comprehend the present state of your culture and to craft a clear picture of your desired direction. This creates a mutual understanding and elevates acceptance for needed changes.

At Forster&Klevenz, we aid you in leveraging the Cultural Web to analyze and enhance your organizational culture. We guide you step by step through this process, from pinpointing your existing culture to devising and enacting effective change strategies.

Craft your success culture with us.
Molding power for your culture. At Forster&Klevenz, we harness the Cultural Web for a profound analysis of your company culture. We identify strengths, challenges, and derive effective strategies. The goal? To turn your culture into a potent driver of success.

An organization’s success heavily leans on its prevailing culture. Through in-depth analysis and understanding of your culture, we can collaboratively devise strategies to make your culture a source of strength and competitive advantage.

Whether you’re aiming to establish an entirely new culture or enhance an existing one, the Cultural Web offers a solid starting point. With our expertise and commitment to your objectives, we’ll collaboratively craft the culture your business needs to flourish and thrive.

Understand. Change. Improve. With the Cultural Web and Forster&Klevenz, you can master your organizational culture and align it for success. After all, your culture is the key to your future.

Explore at Forster & Klevenz the spectrum of models in organizational development and how we can support you on your personal path. Each of these models has its own advantages and disadvantages. We tailor it for you by creating a personalized solution.